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The Wagner High Online Alumni (WHOA)
Philippine Flyer Archives
The "Home for Christmas" Crier No. 1
Monday, Sept. 30, 1991 - Page 5
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Philippine Flyer 5
continued from page 4
While we were gone

On the other hand, the No. 1 question evacuees asked dealt with the security of their property. The fact is, rumors about rampant looting In homes and offices are exaggerated. Since the evacuation, 296 break-ins have occurred -- 96 in government facilities and 200 in base housing.

Most household thefts occurred when we evacuated to the college. Fortunately, only two homes were ransacked. We found things missing in 76 more, and in the other 122, while forced entry may have occurred, there was no evidence that property had been stolen.

Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, we don't have good numbers on thefts in off-base homes. Many were unreachable because the roads were in such bad shape. Several were washed away by mud flows. Through constant phone calls and messages to evacuees and discussions with local officials, however, we've worked hard to provide individuals with as much information about their homes as possible.

Whether you lived on or off base, when you get your household goods shipments, you'll be able to file claims for missing or damaged items.

Man's best friends

If you're worried about the fate of the horses, dogs and zoo animals left behind when we evacuated, stop, because they're okay. The military working dogs, the mounted horse patrol and MWR horses, and the Family Zoo critters came through the eruption ordeal unscathed.

0f about 100 patrol and detection dogs, three were evacuated to Subic prior to the eruptions. SPs took 47 others with them when they evacuated to the college June 15. The rest remained In the kennels. According to

Fast Facts
Movin' the Goods

(to date)

How much
Household goods
2,872 base homes
June 27
227 off-base homes
1,903 dorm rooms
We started moving household goods shortly after the exodus from Subic was completed. Our goal was to do l00 packouts a day and by the time we finished, we peaked at 104 packouts in a single day! The only personal goods left to move are the belongings of our mission essential team and those goods will all be moved by Nov. 15.
1,840 from Subic
July 25
373 from Clark
As instructions came in from owners of Clarkmobiles left at Subic and Clark, vehicles are shipped if they're in good condition, or turned over to the Defense Reutilization Management Office for disposition.
3,250 tons
Sept. 23
The ammo folks moved 273 truck loads of munitions and weapons six days a week to Subic without incident. That's in spite of the road just west of San Fernando being covered with up to 4 feet of mud and water.
733 truck loads
July 13

A truck load is equivalent to a loaded 40-foot trailer or three aircraft pallets. We expect to complete the remaining estimated 477 truck loads by Nov. 16. The only equipment identified to be moved after that date will be mission essential items needed until Clark is turned over to the Philippine government. 

continued on page 6

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